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Working Capital Training Courses

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by wukenetbi1981 2020. 2. 29. 05:48


What is Working Capital Management?Traditionally, investors, creditors and bankers have considered working capital as a critical element to watch, as important as the financial position portrayed in the balance sheet and the profitability shown in the income statement. Working capital is a measure of the company’s efficiency and short term financial health.


It refers to that part of the company’s capital, which is required for financing short-term or current assets such a cash marketable securities, debtors and inventories. It is a company’s surplus of current assets over current liabilities, which measures the extent to which it can finance any increase in turnover from other fund sources. Funds thus, invested in current assets keep revolving and are constantly converted into cash and this cash flow is again used in exchange for other current assets. DisclaimerGARP does not endorse, promote, review or warrant the accuracy of the products or services offered by EduPristine, nor does it endorse the scores claimed by the Exam Prep Provider.

Working Capital Training Courses

Trade Finance Expert

Working Capital Training Courses

Capitals Training Schedule

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Courses In Trade Finance And Forex

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